Looking to improve your relationship? Meet Allison, our expert on couples & family therapy.

Allison Bozovsky (they/ them) has joined the Mezamé team, and as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, brings years of experience supporting couples, families, and individuals. We sat down with Allison to hear more about how they landed on this specialty, and how they approach their client work.

Why did you become a therapist? 

I always knew I wanted to pursue more education after my undergraduate degree, and I knew that I wanted to help people. I had a lot of life experiences in mental health and social services–all of this led me to therapy. 

Why do you like couples and family therapy?

I had been working for several years in community mental health, as a case worker. The system looked at people as individuals, and didn’t really take into account the broader social context. It was so clear to me that there was always a bigger picture to a person’s story. As I learned more about family backgrounds, I understood how this has an impact on each client. I wanted to be able to integrate this broader context into working with clients, so I pursued the LMFT degree. 

What is your therapy style? 

By training, I am an integrative therapist. I pull from different models, like Narrative, Emotion-Focused Therapy, Internal Family Systems, and EMDR. I use what feels like the right fit for each client. I always aim to create a warm and inviting space. At the same time, I am direct, and will challenge clients to promote change.

What types of clients do you work with?

I work with individuals, couples, and families. I specialize in LGBQ+ and Trans* & Gender Non-Conforming care in an individual, couple, or family context. I also work in relationship enrichment, life transitions, anxiety, depression, trauma, and families impacted by chronic medical concerns, mental illness, or disabilities. I am experienced supporting neuro-divergent clients, e.g. ADHD, ADD, spectrum disorders.

What do you integrate into your own mental wellness? 

I focus on my basic needs: eating, drinking, moving. Always trying to get outside, to get as much sun as possible. I make it a priority to stay social and connect with others, especially in our COVID context, in a way that’s safe! Also, I believe in therapeutic pet care. I have two cats: Chui, which is Swahili for leopard, and Goat. 

What are you watching these days? 

A favorite has been HBO’s Scenes from a Marriage. Also, Archive 81 and YellowJackets.


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