Spotlight on Mario Castelo

As an immigrant to America and a member of the LGBTQ community, Mario (he/him/él) knows how hard it is to adapt to a dominant culture. His own life experiences led him to seek therapy. Mario describes the impact of EMDR therapy as “infusing my life with colors, when I didn’t even know that before this, I was living in black and white.” Mario is now an EMDR trained therapist himself, and has joined the Mezamé clinical team. Contact us at to set up a free consultation with Mario!

Why did you decide to become a therapist?

I come from a family who has experienced a range of life’s challenges, from mental health struggles, immigration, and poverty. As an immigrant and member of the LGBTQ community, I know how hard it is for people to adapt to a dominant culture. I have experienced trauma myself--and I experienced the benefits of EMDR therapy in helping me move forward, stronger. Through all of this, I developed a deep appreciation for how necessary therapy is.

Why are you passionate about EMDR as a type of therapy?

I sought out EMDR myself when I was working in a domestic violence agency. This professional environment was triggering for me, as it provoked flashbacks to my own upbringing. By working with an EMDR therapist, I was able to process experiences that had been suppressed for a long time. This led to a total change in my life. It was like going from living in a black and white film, to living in color. I had so many breakthrough insights of realizing how much heaviness I was carrying--even though I hadn’t realized it in the moment. My entire filter on life, my whole self changed. Through this work with EMDR, I have been able to have better relationships, improve my job performance, and pursue this career with success. 

How would you describe your approach to working with a client? 

I am patient-centered, and very focused on creating a safe space for my clients. I am not here to impose a topic on a client; I am here to listen and be with my clients, to walk through the journey that they want to, as a supporter and guide. My goal is to help my clients see their own strengths.  

What types of clients do you work with?

I have a lot of experience with the LGBTQ and Latinx communities. I also have many clients with anxiety and depression; clients who are parents with young kids; and clients experiencing intimate partner violence. 

What do you do to rebalance / refresh / restore?

My partner and I are foodies. I have a map of all the restaurants I want to try in Chicago. I love spending time outside, in nature, in green spaces. Weight lifting is my daily self-care practice. I love watching stand-up comedy. During quarantine times, spending time with my dog has been a huge way for me to recharge my energy.


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Hello, Erica!